A service by Swiss Post

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SwissID for business customers

SwissID services enable end-to-end digitalisation of your business processes, without any media discontinuity whatsoever. From identifying your customers to concluding contracts electronically with legally valid signatures, SwissSign – the issuer of the SwissID – offers everything from a single source. SwissSign is a Swiss trust service provider that is recognised by the Swiss Federal Government and that has been a leading provider of trust services for more than 20 years.

Our services

SwissID login solution

Give your customers simple and secure access to your online services with the SwissID login solution.

Verified identities

SwissID takes care of the customer identification process for you, so you clearly know who your digital counterpart is.

Electronic signature

Thanks to the SwissID Sign signature solution, you and your customers can do legally valid business around the clock. Fully digitally.

SwissID for your industry

Learn how SwissID can help your industry:


SwissID lets you lay the foundation for secure digital administration.With verified identities, you as a municipality or canton can introduce efficient processes without media discontinuity. And residents can easily and securely access their citizen account and sign documents electronically.

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SwissID is the secure solution for the e-health environment. Thanks to verified SwissID identities, patients can identify themselves securely online. In addition, SwissID is a certified means of identification for the electronic patient record.


Thanks to SwissID Sign, customers can easily enter into an AMLA-compliant customer relationship with a financial institution – the administrative work is no longer necessary. You and your customers can sign consumer credit contracts, new bank account documents or mortgage agreements with ease, digitally and with legal validity according to the ESigA (Art. 14 (2)bis Swiss Code of Obligations). This enables you to acquire new customers more efficiently and retain them in the long term.


SwissID offers insurance company customers simple and secure access to their insurance portal. Insurance policies, applications and contracts can be signed by both you and the insured parties within minutes. Particularly during periods where there is an increase in the number of contracts to be signed (e.g. switching insurance companies), you can greatly improve efficiency thanks to digital signatures. 

Human resource management / HR

In Switzerland, temporary employment contracts must be concluded in writing. This process often impedes HR departments in time-sensitive situations. Thanks to SwissID Sign, you can have not only these contracts, but also employment contracts, NDAs or certificates, electronically signed from anywhere. This way, you can make the onboarding process easier for your new employees.

Retail and e-commerce

You run an online shop or portal, you value up-to-date, verified customer data (for example for age verification), and you’d like to minimise the risk of fraud? SwissID takes care of the process of identifying your online customers for you. You can give your business an additional boost, since there are already a large number of SwissID users who can log into your site, clearly verified, with no effort on your part. In addition, thanks to the qualified electronic signature (legally valid according to the ESigA, Art. 14 (2)bis Swiss Code of Obligations) you can conclude supplier contracts, quotations from and for large customers or distribution agreements more quickly

Real estate

You run a real estate portal for people offering and seeking property on a private or professional basis? SwissID takes care of the process of identifying your online customers for you. Manage the rental process from the expression of interest through to the fully digital conclusion of the contract thanks to SwissID.

Law & Justice

Sign contracts, non-disclosure agreements and powers of attorney digitally without any fuss. The qualified electronic signature (QES) is legally valid according to the ESigA (Art. 14 (2)bis Swiss Code of Obligations). SwissID Sign allows you to define the signature sequence with ease in the signing room. No more need to print or send documents. 

More about electronic signatures in a legal setting

Other industries


You’d like to offer your services – like concluding mobile or landline contracts – simply, securely and online? SwissID takes care of the legally required process of identifying your mobile phone customers for you. What’s more, your customers can sign contracts – fully electronically.

Travel and mobility

Your company operates in the field of car sharing or public transport and you’d like to offer your service online around the clock? SwissID takes care of the process of identifying your passengers for you while you concentrate on your core business. What’s more, your customers can sign contracts – fully electronically.

Gaming and casinos

Thanks to verified SwissID identities, you can identify your users and thus ensure proof of age in compliance with youth protection legislation and that you meet the requirements of the Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA).


Analogue processes can be easily digitalised. The SwissID login lets you offer your members simple registration and secure login. We handle the technical processes, while you take care of your members.

Why choose SwissID?

  • Icon symbolising the topic

    Issued by a Swiss trust service provider.

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    All data stored in Switzerland.

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    Data protection based on the FADP and the GDPR.

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    Signature complies with Swiss law (ESigA).

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    Identification complies with EPRA and FINMA standards.

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    Free customer identification 24/7 with the SwissID App.

What our customers say

Portrait of Martin Meyer

Martin Meyer, CFO

SwissID is AMAG Leasing’s ideal partner for verified digital identities in Switzerland. We offer our customers the ability to register and log in to our leasing portal using SwissID, which combines user-friendliness with the highest standards of security.

Logo of amag Leasing
Portrait of Matthias Spuehler

Matthias Spuehler, CEO

We've relied on SwissID for a secure user login process right from the start. Thanks to our app, patients have direct contact with their healthcare partners. Registration, appointment scheduling and – in the near future – room upgrades can all be carried out fully digitally using the app. Thanks to the integration of SwissID, verifying the identities of those who use our app is quick and simple.

Logo of heyPatient
Portrait of Rudolf Gisler

Rudolf Gisler, IT security representative/IT architect

Our customers value the 24/7 access to the Canton of Zug’s online services provided by the ‘ZUGLOGIN’ identification solution. Combined with two-factor authentication, the integrated SwissID login doesn’t just make carrying out e-government tasks easier – it also makes it safer.

Logo of Kanton Zug

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