A service by Swiss Post

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Reference cases

Interested in electronic signatures but still not sure how they might fit into your everyday business operations? Here, you can read up on how companies from various industries have integrated SwissSign’s signature solutions and learn about the benefits these companies and their customers are enjoying.

ePost | Simply sign contracts online

Logo von Klara

ePost has integrated the simple electronic signature (SES) from SwissSign into the ePost app via a REST-API. This allows end customers, for example, of insurance companies, to sign contracts online with ease.

PostFinance | Digitally sign credit card applications

Logo von Postfinance

PostFinance has integrated the qualified electronic signature (QES) into its credit card ordering process. The signature solution from SwissSign is linked to the identification solution from PostFinance (Bankident PostFinance). 

Fasoon | Signature service for a completely digital start-up process

Logo von Fasoon

A completely digital start-up process is only possible with an electronic signature. That's why Fasoon now uses the signature service from SwissSign to avoid any media discontinuity.

IBB Energie AG | More efficient processes thanks to signature service

Logo von IBB Energie AG

IBB Energie AG opted for the signature service, which can be used directly and requires no integration. It uses simple and qualified electronic signatures for various internal and external processes.

Legal Light | Conclude contracts faster and with no media discontinuity

Logo von Legal Light

Legal Light relies on the signature service. It allows the firm to offer its counterparties a fully digital signature process, enabling documents to be signed more swiftly and with no media discontinuity.

Mazars | Legally signing audit reports

Logo von Mazars

Mazars uses the signature service, which can be enabled without any integration effort. Audit reports, for example, can be signed with legal validity using the qualified electronic signature (QES) in accordance with compliance requirements. 

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Demo about our signature solution

Want to make your signature processes seamless and fully digital? Our signature solution can be easily integrated into your existing process landscape and meets the relevant security and compliance standards. Curious? 

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Age verification with SwissID login

Online shops selling alcohol or tobacco often have little to no age verification. Logging in with SwissID solves this problem. SwissID is easy to integrate into your shop or online service via APIs or with a plugin.

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