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eOperations awards SwissSign the contract for electronic signatures, seals and time stamps
On behalf of 23 cantons and the municipalities of Geneva, eOperations Switzerland has carried out a procurement project for electronic signatures, seals and time stamps. SwissSign has been awarded the contract for 6 of a total of 8 lots.
Whether residents, suppliers or partners: having a well-developed digital range is one of the key factors in promoting acceptance of public services. Processes must be simple, seamless with respect to media used, and above all secure and legally compliant.
For example, administrations can sign building permits, audit reports, patents and other contracts completely digitally (according to ESigA) via electronic signatures. On top of that, we facilitate the seamless integration of signatures, seals and time stamps into your existing environment (SaaS, hybrid cloud, etc.).
eOperations awards SwissSign the contract
As part of a procurement project carried out by eOperations Switzerland for electronic signatures, seals and time stamps, SwissSign has been awarded the contract.
To be specific, this includes qualified (QES) and advanced (AES) signatures as well as regulated electronic seals in the hybrid cloud and SaaS model. SwissSign has also been awarded the contract for the use of signatures with a workflow engine in the hybrid cloud and SaaS model. In addition, the demand services also benefit from a time stamping service within the above-mentioned models.
SwissSign was also awarded first place for 4 lots – this concerns the SaaS solutions (signatures and workflow engine) and the time stamp service.
Demand services will benefit from attractive conditions.
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