A service by Swiss Post

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FAQ: electronic signature

Here you will find answers to administrative and technical questions about SwissSign’s signature solution. Are you interested in electronic signatures in general instead? Then we recommend our "Good to know" section with exciting expert articles about e-signatures.

How do I access the signature service?

The URL https://sign.swissid.ch takes you directly to the signature room. Just log in and complete the online identification (if not already done). You can then sign immediately. By the way, the first 5 signatures are free for new customers.

Who can use the signature service?

To use the signature service, you need a SwissID account with a verified identity and a mobile phone with the SwissID App installed.

What technical requirements does my mobile phone have to meet in order to use the signature service?

The operating systems iOS (Version 15 or later) and Android (Version 9 or later) are supported. The manufacturer’s protective measures must not be circumvented (i.e. the device must not be ‘rooted’ or ‘jail-broken’). The mobile phone must contain a hardware-based trusted execution environment (such as ‘Secure Enclave’ on iPhones) that can be unlocked with biometrics (fingerprint on iOS and Android or facial recognition on iOS).

What payment methods are available for the signature service?

The following payment methods are available: PostFinance card, Visa, Mastercard. Payment on account is not offered.

Which document types can be uploaded in the signing room?

In the signing room, you can upload PDF documents created in accordance with Adobe PDF Version 1.2 or higher. PDFs with a file size of up to 20 MB are supported.

How long are signed documents stored in the signing room?

The documents are automatically deleted 30 days after completion of the signing process. You must download and save these documents on your own infrastructure if you want to continue to use or archive them.

I have a new mobile phone. How can I continue to use the signature service on it?

Please revoke your certificate before changing your mobile phone. To do this, log in to your SwissID account, navigate to ‘SwissID Sign’ and click on ‘Revoke certificate’. You can then easily reactivate access to the signature service on your new mobile phone via the SwissID App.

Info for large companies (B2B):

For medium and large businesses looking to seamlessly integrate a signature solution into their existing processes, we recommend our webinars. Get to know our business solutions!