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FAQ: security and data protection


I have lost my mobile phone. What can I do?

If your mobile phone is lost or stolen, please contact our customer service immediately on 0848 99 88 00.

A login was attempted from a new device. What should I do?

You will be notified by email if we detect that someone logged in to your account from a device that has not previously been used to log in to the account. This is an additional security measure to better protect your SwissID from unauthorised access. Many online services now have this function.

If you recognise this login attempt, i.e. if you actually did attempt to log in, you can ignore this email. Otherwise, it could mean that someone has accessed your SwissID account without authorisation. In this case, please change your password immediately and contact our customer service if you have any more questions.

I am worried that my SwissID account has been hacked. What should I do?

SwissSign protects your data according to the highest security standards, does not pass it on to third parties without authorisation and keeps all of it in Switzerland. If you suspect that your SwissID account has been hacked, you can block it immediately. Contact our customer service on 0848 99 88 00.

My SwissID account has been blocked. Why?

If you have entered your password incorrectly five times, your account will be temporarily blocked. Please try again after 15 minutes, reset your password or contact our customer service on 0848 99 88 00.

When and why do I need to update my password?

Keeping your SwissID account secure is our top priority. Regularly changing your password is an important part of this strategy. In this context, SwissID complies with the relevant security standards that define the maximum lifetime of a password.

If your password needs to be updated, you will be notified in advance by email.

My password has expired. What should I do?

For security reasons, you have been informed in advance that your password needs to be updated. However, you have not yet done so. It has therefore been blocked for security reasons. You can reset your password as described at swissid.ch/recovery.

What options do I have for two-factor authentication and how do I set it up?

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security to your SwissID account. Enable this feature to log in to online services with a second factor. You can choose the following methods:

  • SwissID App

  • Mobile ID

  • SMS

  • Cross-off list

You can enable two-factor authentication for login with SwissID at any time in your SwissID account under ‘Personal information’. If you always want to log in with a second factor for each online service, enable the function ‘Always two-factor authentication’ under ‘Additional features’.

Data protection

Who has access to my data?

SwissID uses different trust levels. They enable you to decide for yourself which data you want to disclose to whom. You can also withdraw approvals at any time.

How can I revoke the disclosure of my data?

In your SwissID account, you can see which data you have approved for which online service at all times. You can revoke these approvals individually at any time under ‘My online services’. However, please note that your use of certain online services will be restricted if you do not share your data.

How long will my data be stored?

The retention periods are based on the law, for example the ESigA (German: ZertES) and the Ordinance on the ESigA. According to VZertES, SwissSign is obliged, among other things, to retain the information for eleven years from the expiry of the certificates. Once the statutory retention periods have expired, the data is deleted.