Certificates for large companies | SwissSign
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SwissSign • 23.04.2021

SSL certificates: large companies

IT security is a key concern for every large company and every corporation. But which certificates do large companies need?

Why should large companies use certificates?

Digital certificates are important for the likes of a major bank that offers internet banking services and whose ATMs communicate with corporate systems over a secure internet connection or a logistics company where warehouse systems sync their data with the central management software in real time. Customer data can be stolen or systems tampered with if connections are insecure.

Which certificates do large companies need?

Choosing the right product or solution is the first step towards implementing a high level of IT security. Along with a Managed PKI (MPKI) for public SSL and secure email certificates, SwissSign also offers the option of a private MPKI, which allows certificates to be customised for your specific use case. What’s more, large companies are, of course, able to order individual certificates in our webshop.

How can large companies obtain certificates from SwissSign?

Managed PKI (MPKI): flexibly issuing certificates around the clock

Administration quickly becomes complex if you wish to buy multiple certificates. Certificates expire, and holders can be none the wiser. This can put your operational security at risk, while validity periods are becoming shorter and shorter or new certificate areas of use (e.g. cloud, IoT, etc.) are being added. In short, your company needs specialist knowledge. A managed public key infrastructure (managed PKI, or even just MPKI) takes care of these problems for you, while you focus fully on your core business. Any type of certificate can be issued flexibly at any time, and you benefit from volume discounts. SwissSign works together with a number of competent partners that offer a wide range of solutions. Operating a private managed PKI including your very own root certificates is also an option. 

Doing so gives you maximum security with Swiss certificates, professional service and, above all else, one less thing to worry about.

Our online shop: individual certificates with professional, multilingual support

If you’d like to buy individual certificates, our webshop is the right place to do just that. The first option customers have is to buy SSL certificates with the validation levels DV, OV and EV. Domain-validated (DV) certificates require the domain to be verified by email once a year, while for certificates with organisation validation (OV), the organisation is verified by means of an entry in the commercial register. Extended validation (EV) is the most comprehensive form of validation and requires further verification of information such as the legal status and company address by means of state registers. You can find more information about the validation levels here.  

Alternatively, customers can also buy email (S/MIME) certificates in the webshop for secure email communication within the company.