Main section
Attestations / Certificates
Certificate as Trust Service Provider (TSP)
SwissSign is certified as Trust Service Provider (TSP) for issuance of qualified electronic signatures and qualified electronic timestamps.
Certificate as Identity Provider (IDP) for ePD
SwissSign is certified as Identity provider (IDP) for access to an e-patient dossier for patients and healthcare professionals.
Certificate as Qualified Trust Service Provider for eIDAS Signing Service for QES and AES
SwissSign is certified as Qualified Trust Service Provider (QTSP) for creation of qualified electronic certificates for qualified electronic signatures & creation of qualified electronic certificates for advanced electronic signatures.
Certificate as CA / TSP
SwissSign is certified as Certificate Authority (CA) / Trust Service Provider (TSP) for creation, issuance, revocation and management of certificates, incl. TLS & S/MIME certificates, according to CA/Browser Root Store regulations.
Certified Management System
ISO/IEC 27001 Certified Management System
As Swiss Post's data security specialist, SwissSign AG is certified in the following technology areas as part of this certification: management systems, infrastructure operations, application engineering/development and customer support, as well as information security.
Related links
EU Trust List of Trust Service Providers
Swisssign is a qualified and accredited Trust Service Provider in Austria and complies with the regulations of the certified EU eIDAS regulation.
SAS list for recognised Certification Service Provider (CSP)
SwissSign is a recognised Certification Service Provider according to Swiss Accreditation Service SAS
Swiss Accreditation Service SAS: Electronic Signature
Directory of the recognised Certification Service Provider (CSP)
Swiss Trusted List of trust service providers and their services
Adobe Approved Trust List Member
SwissSign is a member of the Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL)
CA/Browser Forum
The Certification Authority Browser Forum (CA/Browser Forum) is a voluntary gathering of Certificate Issuers and suppliers of Internet browser software and other applications that use certificates (Certificate Consumers).