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Here we inform you about exciting developments and topics connected with the certificate business of SwissSign. Drop by regularly and keep up to date.
Fachkompetenz für IT Security auf der IT-SA
01.11.2024Die IT-SA 2024, die führende IT-Sicherheitsmesse in der DACH-Region, verzeichnete mit rund 25'000 Besuchenden neue Rekorde. Peter Knapp, Chief Revenue Officer von SwissSign,...
Read moreNew: Log in with passkeys via SwissID
16.10.2024Going forward, SwissID users will be able to log in without a password thanks to passkeys, making the whole login process much simpler and more secure.
Read moreFind the right signature solution for your administrative authority
04.10.2024Every administrative authority has different requirements when it comes to digital signatures. We can help you find the right solution for your needs.
Read moreTreffen Sie uns an der it-sa 2024 in Nürnberg!
18.09.2024Gemeinsam mit terreActive sind wir auch in diesem Jahr wieder an der Fachmesse it-sa Expo&Congress mit dabei. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch.
Read moreWebinar: Why SSL and email certificates are essential if you want to transfer data securely
07.08.2024Our webinar will explain why digital certificates, especially PKI solutions, play an essential role in protecting your business data.
Read moreWebinars: Electronic signatures – efficient, secure, future-oriented
24.07.2024Our signature solution can be easily integrated into your existing process landscape. But which model is right for you? Register now for our webinar.
Read moreDigitale Sicherheit: Interview mit Anantha Ayer, CEO von SwissSign
12.06.2024Warum sind digitale Zertifikate für Unternehmen so wichtig? Welche Produkte sind für Schweizer Unternehmen besonders interessant? Und wird es in Zukunft einfacher, sicher durchs...
Read morePeter Knapp to become SwissSign’s new Chief Revenue Officer as of 10 June 2024
10.06.2024On 10 June 2024, Peter Knapp will take on the position of Chief Revenue Officer at SwissSign AG, a Swiss trust service provider. In this role, he will join the SwissSign Management Board...
Read moreTreffen Sie uns am eGovernment Symposium Romand
29.04.2024Am 7. Mai 2024 findet das eGovernment Symposium Romand in Sierre statt. Auch SwissSign wird vor Ort sein. Wir freuen uns auf spannende Vorträge, Podiumsdiskussionen und...
Read moreFinancial institutions can now build on their own identification procedure with SwissSign’s electronic signature solution.
05.03.2024SwissSign, a recognised trust service provider and provider of signature solutions, is now enabling finance companies with their own certified process to use their existing identities...
Read moreSwissSign am Swiss eGovernment Forum 2024
06.02.2024Im März findet das Swiss eGovernment Forum statt. SwissSign wird vor Ort sein und in einem Referat aufzeigen, wie ihre Signaturlösung im Behördenumfeld eingesetzt wird.
Read moreNew webinars: How to digitalise processes in public administration
05.02.2024What will the digital administration of the future look like? And how do we support you on this journey with our services? Find out more in our webinar.
Read moreeOperations awards SwissSign the contract for electronic signatures, seals and time stamps
06.12.2023On behalf of 23 cantons and the municipalities of Geneva, eOperations Switzerland has carried out a procurement project for electronic signatures, seals and time stamps. SwissSign has...
Read moreThe new version of the SwissID App is here!
04.12.2023From today, the new version of the SwissID App is available with a fresh design and an improved user experience.
Read moreWorkshop «Fit für Digitale Nachweise & E-ID»
11.10.2023Bald wird der Bund allen Einwohnern der Schweiz eine digitale Identität (E-ID) auf Basis von SSI zur Verfügung stellen. Mehr darüber erfahren Sie im halbtägigen Workshop.
Read moreInterview: Regulations for digital signatures in Switzerland and the European Union
14.09.2023In this interview with "Netzwoche", you will find the answers to interesting questions about the updated eIDAS regulation, digital signature solutions and self-sovereign identity.
Read moreTreffen Sie uns an der it-sa 2023 in Nürnberg
11.08.2023Wir freuen uns, auch in diesem Jahr wieder gemeinsam mit unserem Partner essendi IT an der Fachmesse it-sa Expo&Congress vertreten zu sein.
Read moreOnline identification now also possible using your ID card
29.06.2023You can now also complete our free online identity verification using your ID card. Read on to find out how it all works.
Read moreNew standard for e-mail certificates in August 2023
22.06.2023The CA/Browser Forum, the standardization body for certificates on the Internet, defined a new standard for e-mail certificates at the beginning of the year.
Read moreQualified Evidence: the solution for financial intermediaries
13.06.2023The new SwissSign product Qualified Evidence enables the remote identification of customers. Any time you want, FINMA-compliant and without any integration effort required.
Read moreSwissID login: Verified identities for your online shop
25.05.2023Online shops selling alcohol or tobacco often have little to no age verification. Logging in with SwissID solves this problem.
Read moreWebinars | Is protecting your IT infrastructure a key priority for you?
02.05.2023Then find out all you need to know about the SwissSign PKI for automated certificate management in one of our webinars. We’ll show you the benefits of such a solution and guide...
Read moreAnantha Ayer to become new CEO of SwissSign on 1 September 2023
28.03.2023The management at SwissSign is changing: Anantha Ayer will take over as CEO of SwissSign AG, effective 1 September 2023. He will succeed Jürg Graf, who is retiring and will continue...
Read moreSwissSign is banking on a modern PKI solution for its certificate management with libC as its technology partner.
27.10.2022Leading Swiss Trust Service Provider SwissSign launched a new state-of-the-art managed PKI solution based on the latest technological standards in October 2022. The aim is to make the...
Read moreTreffen Sie uns an der it-sa 2022 in Nürnberg
16.09.2022Wir freuen uns, auch in diesem Jahr wieder gemeinsam mit unserem Partner essendi IT an it-sa vertreten zu sein.
Read moreWith Sysmosoft, SwissSign advances the development of e-signatures
05.07.2022The merger of SwissSign and Sysmosoft will establish a one-of-a-kind centre of excellence for digital signatures. As a recognised Swiss Trust Service and Identity provider (IdP), SwissSign...
Read moreAbolishment of "Organizational Unit" in certificates as of August 2022
21.06.2022As from 1 September 2022 onwards, it is no longer permitted to include a department name (technically: attribute "Organizational Unit" - OU) in SSL/TLS certificates.
Read moreWebinar am 22. Juni | Digitale Zertifikate als Basis für Cyber-Sicherheit
17.05.2022Digitale Zertifikate sind grundlegende Bausteine verschiedenster IT-Security-Massnahmen. Unentdeckt abgelaufene Zertifikate gefährden daher Datensicherheit und Betriebsprozesse...
Read moreJetzt anmelden für Zertifikatsschulung am 9. Juni 2022
27.04.2022Fühlen Sie sich bei dem Nischenthema PKI und Zertifikate sicher? Kennen Sie die Inhalte von Zertifikaten und die Güte von asymmetrischen Verschlüsselungsalgorithmen? All...
Read moreSwissSign becomes the first Swiss company to use online identity verification to confirm people’s identities for the qualified electronic signature
13.04.2022SwissSign, the provider of the SwissID Sign signature solution, is the first Swiss com-pany to rely on a fully digital identification process, allowing signatories to sign with qualified...
Read moreWebinare: Wie Sie mit SwissID Sign Ihre Geschäftsprozesse digitalisieren.
07.03.2022Nachfolgelösung SuisseID: Melden Sie sich für unser 30-minütiges Webinar an und lernen Sie SwissID Sign kennen.
Read moreNo change to the validity period of email certificates
01.03.2022Apple has increased the aforementioned maximum validity period again, so we can continue to offer you email certificates with validity of three years until further notice.
Read moreMit SwissID Sign online rechtsgültig Dokumente unterschreiben
28.02.2022Arbeitsverträge, Kündigungen oder Kreditverträge. Mit SwissID Sign unterschreiben Sie Dokumente ganz einfach und rechtsgültig rund um die Uhr mit der SwissID App.
Read moreSuisseID service will be discontinued as of mid-December 2021
23.11.2021The new solution is based on SwissID and does not require additional hardware. Take now advantage of five free signatures.
Read moreWebinar | E-Mails: Spamfrei, vertrauenswürdig & sicher archiviert
11.11.2021Besuchen Sie das Webinar unseres Partners KRICK am Donnerstag, 2. Dezember, von 10.00 bis 11.00 Uhr.
Read moreWebinar | NoSpamProxy Encryption mit Zertifikaten von SwissSign – geht einfach!
11.11.2021Besuchen Sie das gemeinsame Webinar von Net at Work und SwissSign am 26. November um 14.00 Uhr.
Read moreWebinar | Zertifikate automatisiert und ressourcensparend einsetzen
25.10.2021Wir haben mit 'Certificate as Service' richtige Lösung und das passende Tool für Sie. Besuchen Sie das Webinar am 17. November 2021 um 16.00 Uhr.
Read moreInformation for SwissSign MPKI customers
09.08.2021The requirements concerning the proof of ownership of a domain name for the purpose of issuing SSL/TLS certificates have changed.
Read moreEasily apply for, manage and install certificates automatically
10.06.2021The Certificates as a Service (CaaS) solution is aimed in particular at SMEs that focus specifically on their core business and want to make their certificate handling easier and more...
Read moreManaged PKI | New products and prices, 1 June 2021
01.06.2021On 1 June 2021, SwissSign repositioned its range of certificates and is now offering the previous MPKI product in three MPKI product lines at the levels DV (domain-validated), OV (organisation-validated)...
Read moreWichtiger Hinweis zur korrekten Ausstellung von E-Mail-Zertifikaten per 18.1.2021
12.01.2021Kundinnen und Kunden von E-Mail-Zertifikate beachten bitte die Änderung des Ausstellungsprozesses per 18. Januar 2021. Nicht korrekt ausgestellte Zertifikate müssen im...
Read moreImportant change concerning validity of SSL/TLS certificates from 1 September 2020
22.07.2020The validity period for SSL/TLS certificates that are issued after 1 September 2020 cannot now exceed a maximum of one year.
Read moreSwissSign signs strategic partnership with BlueCerts to accelerate its international expansion
29.05.2019SwissSign, leading Swiss Trust Service Provider has just signed a strategic partnership agreement with BlueCerts. The SwissSign-BlueCerts partnership aims to increase the adoption of...
Read moreFachbeitrag im Handbuch Digitalisierung: ganzheitliches Zertifikatemanagement
14.05.2019SwissSign und essendi haben für die 2. Ausgabe des «Handbuch Digitalisierung» des Trend Report-Verlags einen Fachbeitrag verfasst. Die Autoren erläutern die Herausforderungen...
Read moreSecardeo certMode for the global retrieval of S/MIME certificates for mobile devices
18.02.2019Ismaning, February 18, 2019 – Secardeo GmbH, a long-term partner of SwissSign AG, releases version 2 of certMode. Secardo certMode is a component of the Secardeo TOPKI platform...
Read moreMeet SwissSign at the it-sa 2018 in Nuremberg
27.08.2018From 09 - 11 October 2018 it is time again for Europe’s largest expo for IT-Security to open its doors in Nuremberg. As a leading event for cloud, mobile, data and network security,...
Read moreSecardeo certLife simplifies the management of digital certificates
10.07.2018Our partner Secardeo releases "certLife", a web application for certificate lifecycle management. With this new product in the TOPKI platform, Secardeo is addressing companies...
Read moreSwissSign at eGovernment and eHealth Forum in Bern
01.03.2018SwissSign will be present at both forums with a contact point and will hold three presentations. Our Chief Development Officer Urs Fischer will talk about the potential of SwissID on...
Read moreSwissSign as sponsor and exhibitor at the Cloud Expo Expo Europe in Frankfurt
10.11.2017From 28 to 29 November, the Cloud Expo Europe will be held in parallel with the Cloud Security Expo at the site of the Frankfurter Messe (trade fair centre). As a silver sponsor...
Read moreSwissSign at it-sa 2017 in Nuremberg
04.10.2017SwissSign at the it-sa 2017 in Nuremberg From 10 - 12 October 2017 it is time again for Europe’s largest expo for IT-Security to open its doors in Nuremberg. As every...
Read moreValidity periods of SSL certificates are becoming shorter and shorter
12.09.2017Shortened certificate validity period from March 2018 Currently, the maximum SSL certificate validity is three years. On March 17, 2017 the CAB Forum decided to cap the allowed lifetime...
Read moreThe new SwissSign AG
16.05.2017On 8 May 2017 SwissSign AG became a joint venture of Swiss Post and SBB, with each holding 50% of the share capital. CEO Markus Naef will lead the company into a new era.
Read moreUBS Deploys Qualified Electronic Signature Service with Cryptomathic and SwissSign
30.03.2017Switzerland’s largest retail bank pioneers service digitization, increases document security and enables a fully mobile digital user experience Shortly after the launch of their...
Read moreSwissSign to become joint venture between Swiss Post and SBB
24.03.2017Uniform digital identity for Switzerland Swiss Post and SBB plan to provide a uniform digital identity for private individuals, companies and authorities in Switzerland by autumn 2017...
Read moreSwissSign promotes the digital signature in Europe
11.07.2016The „Cloud Signature Consortium“ (CSC) is based on an initiative of Adobe and consists of 12 European members, a mixture of manufacturers, service providers and academic...
Read moreSwissSign with new products, new prices and a new website
01.12.2015On 30 November 2015, the Swiss Post subsidiary SwissSign launched its new market presence with more favourable prices for SSL certificates, an expanded product range and a modern web...
Read moreSwissSign becomes EBCA's technology partner
27.05.2015The IT Security Association Germany (TeleTrusT) – the operator of the European Bridge CA (EBCA) – and SwissSign have entered into a partnership for the distribution of trusted...
Read moreHID Global and SwissSign agree partnership for German-speaking Europe
06.05.2015HID Global, global market leader in the area of secure identities and access control, and SwissSign are entering into a partnership for the DACH countries Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Read moreEnsuring trust is everything
01.03.2015You're at the supermarket and want to buy some apples. Depending on your needs and what you're going to use them for, there are a variety of suitable solutions.
Read moreSwissSign – new certificate provider of Net at Work
21.12.2014Since the start of December, the Microsoft Gold Partner Net at Work has provided a new release of its gateway solutions NoSpamProxy Encryption. The new version has features including...
Read moreSwissSign switches to SHA-2 technology
13.10.2014Since 10 October 2014 SwissSign has issued solely certificates with SHA-2 technology. Webshop customers receive a voucher code to convert their existing certificate to a certificate...
Read moreMore protection for SSL certificates
18.07.2014Leading European Trust Service Providers pilot independent solution for more SSL certificate security. Three leading European Trust Service Providers – German D-Trust GmbH, SwissSign...
Read moreSecardeo certEP offers auto-enrollment of SwissSign S/MIME certificates
10.07.2014Secardeo, business solution partner of SwissSign, releases the version 3 of its Certificate Enrollment Proxy certEP. With certEP users and computers in a Windows domain may...
Read moreDigital Trust Services of Swiss Post meet FINMA requirements
18.12.2013The products and solutions of Swiss Post for secure electronic communication and digital identity have been given another seal of quality. KPMG Ltd has confirmed that the Digital Trust...
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