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Certificate webshop
Buy SSL and email certificates
SwissSign offers both SSL and email certificates (S/MIME). You can buy these conveniently in the certificate webshop. For SSL certificates, you can choose between three different types: Single Domain (protection of a single domain), Wildcard (single domain with subdomains) and Multi-Domain (up to 20 different domains). You can also select the desired or required level of validation.
SSL certificates: trustworthiness and secure data transmission
SwissSign is a Swiss provider of SSL certificates and issues certificates compatible with 99% of all browsers.
SSL certificates are an essential element of any website as they prove the authenticity of the domain/organisation and ensure that data is transmitted via secure communication channels. Such secure transmission is especially important when payment details or other personal information are involved. The applicant is validated before the certificate is issued. The extent of this check depends on the validation level of the SSL certificate.
Guide: how to get a certificateS/MIME: Encrypted and signed email communication
The benefits of encrypted and signed emails are numerous. S/MIME (secure/multipurpose internet mail extensions) certificates protect against phishing, while encryption enables secure transfer of personal data and confidential communications. Senders also unambiguously identify themselves. Because the email’s signature is created based on its content, the recipient can also rest assured that this content hasn’t been altered.
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