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Sales partners advise you during the purchase of individual certificates and pass on Managed PKI services.
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SSLplus ist ein führender Distributor hochwertiger Produkte zur Absicherung digitaler Kommunikationswege und ein langjährig akkreditierter Platinum-Partner von SwissSign.
Das Unternehmen bietet das gesamte Portfolio der SwissSign Verschlüsselungs- und Signaturlösungen aus einer Hand. Großkunden und gewerblichen Wiederverkäufern stellt das Unternehmen intuitive Bestell- und Verwaltungsmöglichkeiten über das eigene Partner-Portal "Ordergate" sowie der Programmierschnittstelle (API) zur direkten Einbindung in die eigene Infrastruktur zur Verfügung. -
PSW Group
The PSW GROUP is a full-service provider of internet solutions with particular focus on internet security. As a service provider, the PSW GROUP provides signature, encryption and authentication solutions of leading Certification Authorities like SwissSign. As well as the wide range of products, the company has many years of expertise in the area of internet security and will also provide you with advice for the most complex matters.
Our longtime Platinum Partner Schwartz GmbH & Co. KG. Headquartered in Esslingen is a system house that supports customers in the field of IT and more. The traditional company, which was founded in 1936, is among other things SEPPmail Platinum Partner since 2001 and integrates since then also SwissSign Managed PKI solution at their customers. Furthermore, they are at your disposal to secure your websites or e-mail systems with the help of SwissSign certificates.
Hamburger Handschlag
Wir wollen unsere Kunden bestmöglich betreuen und erstellen darum langfristige zukunftsorientierte Aktionspläne, die Anforderungen und Budgetvorgaben erfüllen. Manchmal sind schlanke Lösungen erforderlich, manchmal Recherchen in unbekanntem Terrain, manchmal komplexes Vorgehen. Was wir umsetzen, wird zuvor getestet. Wenn Nachhaltigkeit nicht anders zu erzielen ist, nehmen wir auch holprige Wege in Kauf. Wir wollen zufriedene Kunden, langfristige Beziehungen und mit Stolz auf die gemeinsam zurückgelegten Wege schauen können.
Wagner AG
WAGNER AG mit Hauptsitz in Kirchberg BE und weiteren Geschäftsstellen in Rümlang, St. Gallen, Basel und Bern verfolgt seit der Gründung im Jahre 1996 ein Ziel: Schweizer Unternehmen erstklassige und massgeschneiderte IT-Infrastruktur-Lösungen und IT-Dienstleistungen anzubieten. Dabei kann WAGNER AG auf eine langjährige und breite Plattform- sowie Technologieerfahrung, hohe Zertifizierungen (ISO 27001 und ISO 9001) sowie strategische Partnerschaften mit namhaften Herstellern wie Hewlett Packard Enterprise, HP, IBM, Microsoft oder VMware zurückgreifen.
Bortoli GmbH
Bortoli GmbH ist ein Cyber Security Unternehmen mit Angeboten aus den Bereichen Informationssicherheit, digitale Forensik und ISO27001. Wir sind Spezialisten für den Awarenessaufbau mittels Phishing-Simulationen, der Überprüfung Ihrer Informatikumgebung durch Penetrations-Tests und bieten ein 24/7 Security Operation Center (Mastermind®) an. Für KMU haben wir speziell auf deren Bedürfnisse ausgerichtete Produkte aus der Cloud (CyberProtectShield®), welche es uns ermöglichen, auch kostengünstig ein höchstmöglicher Schutz vor digitalen Gefahren anzubieten. Unternehmen vertrauen auch dann auf uns, wenn ein Angriff bereits erfolgt ist.
We believe that time is one of the most valuable resources in the world. We create time for our customers - for innovations and bold business ideas. With our leading edge know-how, we are the market leader for business & technology transformation. More than 900 colleagues 17 locations throughout Switzerland make us the experts for digitalization and accelerate your company's progress. With our leading edge competencies in the areas of business consulting, cloud, communication, IT architecture, digital transformation, modern work, network, security, data science and infrastructure, we serve our customers in an inspiring, simple, and engaging way.
SwissSecure is the leading Swiss consulting firm for mail security, an area of IT security which is becoming increasingly important for CIOs. SwissSecure designs and implements innovative solutions for its customers that are optimally adjusted to the respective security requirements. Renowned companies and administrative bodies in Switzerland put their faith in the profound knowledge and outstanding advisory expertise of SwissSecure.
Founded in 1988, BOLL Engineering is a «full service master distributor» for groundbreaking IT-security and internet access solutions. Its portfolio consists of mail encryption and signature systems, firewall and UTM appliances, anti-spam and antivirus systems as well as identity and authentication solutions.
WIRD Group
With offices in all parts of Switzerland, WIRD Group is a leading provider of data center infrastructure as well as data security and encryption solutions. Thanks to its ISO 27001-certified subsidiary Cortex IT, WIRD Group offers tailor-made private / hybrid / public cloud computing solutions “Made in Switzerland” and services such as “security-as-a-service” and disaster recovery. For the design and implementation of up-to-date data center and security solutions offers WIRD comprehensive advisory services.
ASAPCOM is an owner-managed service company which operates in the fields of communication technology and information security. The solutions of ASAPCOM provide comprehensive protection and ensure the required level of security, availability, transparency and traceability. Areas of instability and threat scenarios are identified at an early stage. Standard solutions are supplemented and refined. Existing gaps in security are closed. ASAPCOM offers premium solutions and services for individual requirements and ensures that customers can focus on their core business.
AVANTEC AG is the leading independent provider of IT security solutions on the Swiss market. Founded in 1995, AVANTEC AG has over 20 years of experience in the design and implementation of sophisticated projects in the field of IT security. From consulting to project implementation to support and maintenance AVANTEC AG offers professional security know-how from a single source.
GlobalProtec is Switzerland’s first broker for digital certificates. Products of the world‘s top certificate authorities are available here from a single source, with additional service and at competitive conditions. The offer mainly includes SSL, Code Signing, personal- and company certificates as well as Managed PKI.
United Security Providers
United Security Providers ensures that digital business processes are protected against cyber risks. With around 200 specialists in Bern and Zurich, we are closing gaps in network and application security. We are providing extensive Managed Security Services from our own 7x24h Security Operations Center (SOC) in Switzerland and are securing more than 900 customer sites worldwide. In addition, United Security Providers, a subsidiary of Swisscom, offers a suitable mix of IT security consulting and project management tailored to the individual customers situation.