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Find the right signature solution for your administrative authority
For us to be able to offer you the optimal solution, we need answers to the following:
How many users do you expect?
Do you want to integrate the signature process directly into your workflows?
Do your compliance requirements dictate that documents are not allowed to leave your IT environment during the signature process?
Unable to accurately estimate the volume yet? We’ll help you find the right model.
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Example: Signatures for a municipal administration
Your starting point
You want to introduce the qualified electronic signature (QES), which is equivalent to a handwritten signature, for your municipal administration with around 15 users. The solution should work without additional installation requirements for the municipal IT (SaaS).
Our solution
With SwissSign’s Signing-as-a-Service solution, your employees can sign documents online with ease. There is no integration effort required. Simply upload the PDF documents in your web browser – it saves time and is straightforward. The recipients are then automatically informed of the signature request by email or push notification.
Example: Signatures for a city administration
Your starting point
You want to introduce the qualified electronic signature (QES), which is equivalent to a handwritten signature, for your municipal administration with over 100 users. Users have to sign documents on a regular basis, e.g. several times a week. On top of that, electronic signatures should be integrated seamlessly into your existing digital government processes or even into new ones. Furthermore, you would like to be able to publish digital documents issued by your administrative authority in such a way that integrity and authenticity are guaranteed.
Our solution
With the integration solution from SwissSign, your employees can seamlessly use electronic signatures and seals as an integrated part of your systems and existing or new digital processes. Thanks to our strong partner network, our solutions are also already integrated into various specialist applications and can be purchased through your preferred IT service provider.
Example: Signatures for a canton
Your starting point
You would like to introduce electronic signatures and seals for your canton or cantonal government, e.g. state council, state chancellery and officials, but the documents must not leave the canton’s infrastructure.
Our solution
With SwissSign’s on-premise solution, documents will not leave your own IT environment during the signature process. This enables compliance and security requirements to be met. The PDF documents are sent directly to the signature process via your own IT environment.